
IAT Tools Motion

IAT Tools Motion

When it comes to addressing movement dysfunction caused by soft tissue structures, IAT® Tools come into their own element.

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            [name] => IAT Tools Motion
            [slug] => iat-tools-motion
            [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
                    [utc_offset:protected] => 0
                    [date] => 2021-07-02 10:58:30.000000
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                    [date] => 2023-07-14 06:23:25.000000
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When it comes to addressing movement dysfunction caused by soft tissue structures, IAT Tools Motion come into their own element. The research by Schleip and his team has led to a new understanding of how the stimulation of receptors in fascia, muscles and tendons lead to changes in soft tissue tone and affect range of motion.

After months of testing and research, we developed the unique Fascial STIM® treatment edge, perfect for influencing superficial fascia and creating dramatic changes in range of motion. We combined our Fascial STIM® edge with a deep rounded treatment surface. With a quick flip of the Motions patented grip, the practitioner can work deeper myofascial structures with ease. A winning combination that created the IAT Tools Motion.

IAT Tools Motion Montage IAT Tools Motion

The IAT Tools Motion also includes a tray, case & free shipping

All of our individual tools and sets of tools come with a hygienic, easy to clean tray, a soft travel case to protect the tools and free international shipping anywhere in the world. Please Note: All shipments originate from the USA. The amount of time it takes for your IAT® Tools set to arrive varies depending on where you are in the world. How quick your countries postal service works is a big factor. Also each country/region have separate rules on import duty/tax which may or may not apply to your order. 

Big fan of social media? Then head over to the IAT® teams pages on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. and give us a follow to keep up to date on our latest pages, blogs and vlogs.

[short_description] => When it comes to addressing movement dysfunction caused by soft tissue structures, IAT® Tools come into their own element. 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IAT Tools Motion


When it comes to addressing movement dysfunction caused by soft tissue structures, IAT Tools Motion come into their own element. The research by Schleip and his team has led to a new understanding of how the stimulation of receptors in fascia, muscles and tendons lead to changes in soft tissue tone and affect range of motion.

After months of testing and research, we developed the unique Fascial STIM® treatment edge, perfect for influencing superficial fascia and creating dramatic changes in range of motion. We combined our Fascial STIM® edge with a deep rounded treatment surface. With a quick flip of the Motions patented grip, the practitioner can work deeper myofascial structures with ease. A winning combination that created the IAT Tools Motion.

IAT Tools Motion Montage

IAT Tools Motion

The IAT Tools Motion also includes a tray, case & free shipping

All of our individual tools and sets of tools come with a hygienic, easy to clean tray, a soft travel case to protect the tools and free international shipping anywhere in the world. Please Note: All shipments originate from the USA. The amount of time it takes for your IAT® Tools set to arrive varies depending on where you are in the world. How quick your countries postal service works is a big factor. Also each country/region have separate rules on import duty/tax which may or may not apply to your order. 

Big fan of social media? Then head over to the IAT® teams pages on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. and give us a follow to keep up to date on our latest pages, blogs and vlogs.